Friday, November 13, 2015

Recounting an E-Mail Exchange

I rather liked this email exchange from last night, so thought I'd share (and oh yes, it was an actual email exchange).

I was talking on the phone last night to someone.  I don't want to reveal that person's identity, but for simplicity's sake let's call him President Obama.  I mentioned that I had made chili for dinner that night.  The President was interested in what recipe I used, and so I told him and he then asked if I could email it to him.  I said sure.  So that's what I did.  Instead of re-typing it I just scanned the typed copy I had and included that as an attachment in the email I sent.  I also mentioned that I followed the recipe pretty much exactly, with two exceptions, and I told him what they were.  An hour or so went by and I started thinking, "wait a minute ... there's a couple of other changes I make to that recipe."  So I emailed the President back as follows:

Subject:  This is Gnawing At Me

When I sent you the chili recipe, I said I do it exactly like it says except for two things.  But I’ve since thought of two other things: 1) I always use less salt than a recipe calls for; at least half if not a quarter, and most importantly 2) the recipe calls for a whole can of stewed tomatoes.   Fuck that!  Stewed tomatoes look like a collection of human testicles and/or ovaries freshly removed from the human body, and I just won’t have that in my chili.  I won’t!  So I use two 15 oz cans of Hunt’s Fire Roasted Diced Tomatoes instead.  Gives it the same  flavor without testicles or ovaries.  That’s something I can feel good about.

The President got back to me shortly thereafter:

I already placed an amazon fresh order for stuff to make the chili, and I had no desire to mess with canned gonads either, so I already made the diced substitution!

And that's it ladies and gentlemen.  Have a pleasant day.

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